Geotag, Map, Edit, Report, Share & Manage Geospatial Full Motion Videos, Photos and Other Metadata from Inspection, Patrol, Survey & Surveillance Operations
Geotag Video, Interactive Map-based Playback & Geospatial Video Editing
Record Georeferenced Full Motion Video & Audio with Continuous GPS & Other Important Project Metadata with our Patented geoDVR™ Systems.
Record Georeferenced Audio-only Files with Continuous GPS & Other Important Project Metadata with Our geoDSR™ Systems.
Enhance your geospatial video and audio data collection capabilities with our optional geoDVR & geoDSR modules.
Our professional geoDVR video recording systems and integrated LineVision software options are ideal for airborne, drone, vehicle, rail & marine survey mapping and surveillance data collection platforms.
DJI Drone Software
Offering professional video and photo mapping software for DJI drone survey and inspection projects.
Home > Sample Data for Software Trials
Thank you for trying our Remote GeoSystems software options!
Below we have provide some sample geotagged video and photo data for download to help you quickly start your Remote GeoSystems software trial experience.
The following data just a small sample of the type of georeferenced video, photo and other field sensor supported by our software; including the LineVision suite, Video GeoTagger and Video GeoEditor.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact our team at +1 844-436-3877 ex 2 or
3307 South College Avenue | Suite 211 | Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 | USA